
La Larr Ba Gauwa working bee

LLBG Working Bee: Sunday 10th December, 8 am What a way to bring in the festive season! Let’s make these trails sweeet ahead of a planned re-opening prior to Christmas. Please bring: – PPE (sunscreen, gloves, solid footwear, long pants) – Whippersnipper – Leaf rake/blower A couple of the local people working with Trailscapes will

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Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Castlemaine Rocky Riders will be held on Saturday 21 October commencing at 4pm.  We are planning to conduct the meeting in person at the new Walmer Forest Trailhead, off Daltons Road, Castlemaine.  Along with the formal business of the AGM, including the election of office bearers, there will be an

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Summary of Member Survey

In May this year the Club arranged for a survey of our membership via the team at Sports Focus.  Forty four responses were received – thanks to all those who contributed to the exercise which did provide some valuable feedback and input. The survey results have been collated and summarised in a report that is now

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September Social Ride – Gower

Our monthly social ride will be held on Sunday 17 September and will introduce intermediate-level riders to a semi-secret network of trails in the northern reaches of the Muckleford Forest.  A combination of old singletrack and trail bike tracks are gradually being rediscovered, realigned and reconnected. These trails are typically narrow and undulating with some

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