Our final Women’s ride for the year will see the inclusion of children, families and other community members. All genders, including non-binary and trans, are welcome to join us. Children who are confident riding single track or are using a MTB specific front mounted child’s seats on an adults MTB are also encourged to participate (examples can be found here or contact us for advice.) All children must be accompained by an adult.
We will meet at the Pine Forest Area along Dalton’s road at Walmer State Forest on Dja Dja Wurrung Country at 9:30am. We will ride the green beginner track and then meet for a picnic (please BYO picnic rug, tea/coffee and morning tea). Youth and and adults keen on doing additional riding on the intermediate tracks will have this option if there is interest on the day. There will be a no-drop policy, with one of our ride leaders at the back of the group.
This is a fun, social event that celebrates MTB riding and culture – you are encouraged to “dress up fancy” in MTB appropriate attire. There will be prizes for the best dressed child, youth and adult on the day.
COVID safe practice will be adhered to, including social distancing for the picnic.
Please note this is not a skills clinic and riders must be self-sufficient with food, water and spares. You must have a well maintained mountain bike and well fitted helmet that meets Australian standards.
A Rocky Riders (or other AusCycling) membership is recommended so you are covered by insurance while riding. An insurance waiver can be signed on the day if required.
Please register to attend this free event (children riding on an adults MTB bike seat are not required to register).