Our club social ride on Sunday 23rd April will sample the Piney’s trails in Castlemaine, on Dja Dja Wurrung Country. Our rides are open to any gender and women are warmly welcome and encouraged to join in.
A Rocky Riders (or other AusCycling) membership is required so you are covered by insurance while riding.
Riders not holding a current membership need to sign up on the day, otherwise will not be able to ride.
If you are not in a position to sign up for a full membership you can sign up for the AusCycling 4 Week Free Trial or Auscycling Lifestyle Membership for the month for $9.00.
In order for us to manage riders to ride leaders ratios please purchase a free ticket. Online registration closes on the morning of the event. Late registration accepted on day but please arrive early to complete.
Ride information:
Assemble at the Theatre Royal for a 9am start time. Ride leaders will be Daan and Andrew.
Catered for intermediate/advanced skill level riders, we will ride for approximately 3 hours. 20 – 25km approx. ride.
There’s a “default” long weekend coming up at the end of April with the Anzac Day public holiday falling on a Tuesday. Should be a great time to join our social ride in the fabled Pineys. We will ride out to Colles Road and warm up the legs before tackling the Pineys trails. Following recent logging, trail builders have been active in creating new trails, and reinstate some of the old ones, so a social ride here will not be the same as the one held in previous years. For this social ride we have planned a great loop that will include some steep technical climbs, water race riding as well as some of the great descents the Pineys have to offer. The Pineys trails are among the most technical in the Castlemaine region, featuring lots of steep climbs and descents, plenty of tree roots, technical components and some rock features. A 20km ride in the Pineys is equivalent to at least 30km around the Baco trails. As such this social ride will be geared to riders with good technical skills. We have a no-drop policy to ensure no-one is left behind.
Please note this is not a skills clinic and riders must be self-sufficient with food, water and spares. You must have a well maintained mountain bike and well fitted helmet that meets Australian standards.
In order for us to manage riders to ride leaders ratios please purchase a free ticket. Registrations can be taken on day but please arrive early to ensure there is time to do this.
If you have any questions regarding the ride get in touch via info@rockyriders.com