This month we are combining our two social rides – our women’s ride and our mixed ride. We will be joined by FLOW Mountain bike, who will be photographing and videoing the riders to use in their publication, showcasing our wonderful riding trails, our club and the growth of women’s participation in our club. This ride will be led by our women’s social ride leaders and our mixed social rides leaders.
Our ride on the 25th September will take in a range of trails while encouraging participation from all, including our junior riders – no one will be left behind. Assemble at the Theatre Royal in Hargraves Street, Castlemaine for a 9:00 am start time. We will ride up Forest Creek to the Garfield Water Wheel, explore surrounding areas, with the option to ride back along Poverty Gully trail.
This ride is targeted at an intermediate skill level due to the length, but will be conducted at a gentle pace. We will ride for 2.5 – 3 hours.
Please note this is not a skills clinic and riders must be self-sufficient with food, water and spares. You must have a well maintained mountain bike and well fitted helmet that meets Australian standards.
A Rocky Riders (or other AusCycling) membership is recommended so you are covered by insurance while riding. Riders without an Auscycling membership, do so at their own discretion. If you are not in a position to sign up for a full membership the AusCycling 4 Week Free Trial could be an alternative option to cover you or you can take out a Auscycling Lifestyle Membership for the month for $9.00.
In order for us to manage riders to ride leaders ratios please purchase a free ticket.
If you have any questions regarding the ride get in touch via