Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Castlemaine Rocky Riders will be held on Saturday 21 October commencing at 4pm. The meeting will be held in the Castlemaine Botanic Gardens, next to the Childrens Playground off Downes Road.

Along with the formal business of the AGM, including the election of office bearers, there will be an opportunity for members, families and friends of the Rocky Riders to enjoy a relaxed and sociable afternoon/evening. Drinks and nibbles will be supplied by the club with soft drinks for children.

Mark the date in your diary, bring the family, and head on down to the Botanic Gardens for a general catch up. BYO chair … plus any ideas and input you have for the club’s activities and plans for 2018.

If you are interested in joining the Committee please think about nominating for one of the Committee positions; if you are unable to attend the AGM and would like to cast your vote please complete a proxy appointment. Any queries regarding the AGM please contact the Secretary on